Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station)

66 Wenyuan Road, near jiangjingci Road, Xiamen, China



Politique de l'hôtel

Prix du petit-déjeuner
CNY15($2.1) / pièce
Heure du petit-déjeuner
Type du petit-déjeuner
Buffet (chinois, Végétarien)
à partir de 14:00
jusqu'à 12:00
Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station), Il est situé dans le centre commercial animé de Xiamen, à l'intersection de Wenyuan Road et jiangci Road, à côté du beau jardin botanique de Wanshi et Zhongshan Park, à côté de la première école secondaire de Xiamen, de l'hôpital pla 174 et de la gare routière de Xiamen Wucun, à environ 100 mètres de l'hôtel, la gare ferroviaire de jiangci Land et la gare routière de jiangci ci peuvent atteindre Gulangyu, Zhongshan Road, Temple nanputuo, Université Xiamen,Baicheng Beach, zengcuocheng, Huandao Road, Municipal Government, Bay Park, HuWei Mountain and other famous attractions.
Les Chambres d'hôtel sont conçues avec des meubles en rondins, des meubles en rotin et des planchers stratifiés pour créer un modèle intérieur pratique, simple et naturel et un concept de vie, non seulement pour vous fournir une maison de voyage, mais aussi un service familial chaleureux, vous apporter une nouvelle expérience de voyage.
L'hôtel, d'une superficie totale de 14 808 mètres carrés, se compose de 9 salles de réunion de différentes tailles et dispose d'installations de conférence entièrement équipées pour accueillir des réunions d'affaires de toutes tailles pour 12 à 450 personnes.L'hôtel dispose d'un réseau sans fil complet et d'un parking privé, ce qui est idéal pour vos voyages d'affaires ou de loisirs.

FAQ de l'hôtel

Afficher plus
  • Cet hôtel est de Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport Quelle est sa distance?

    Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) est à 7.8km de l'aéroport.

  • Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) propose-t-il un service de navette?

    Non, l'hôtel n'a pas de service de navette.

  • Quels sont les horaires d'arrivée et de départ à Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) ?

    L'enregistrement s'effectue à partir de 14:00 et le départ jusqu'à 12:00 à Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station).

  • L'établissement Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) dispose-t-il d'une piscine et d'une salle de fitness?

    L'hôtel a une salle de gym mais pas de piscine. Voir plus de détails.

  • L'établissement Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) dispose-t-il un restaurant sur place ?

    Oui, vous pouvez manger à l'hôtel.

  • Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) dispose-t-il d'une connexion haut débit ou Wifi?

    Oui, veuillez contacter la réception de l'hôtel pour plus de détails.

  • Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) accepte-t-il le prépaiement?

    Acceptez, veuillez soumettre votre commande avant de nous contacter.

  • Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station) accepte-t-il les cartes de crédit?

    Non, l'hôtel n'accepte pas les cartes de crédit.

  • Combien coûte le petit déjeuner de Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station)?

    Petit déjeuner CNY15 / personne.

  • Quel est le tarif d'un séjour à l'établissement Hejia Hotel (Xiamen Jiangjunci Metro Station)?

    Les tarifs commencent à partir de CNY198, selon le type de chambre et la date.



  • 5.0
  • Good! The location is very good and the travel is very convenient. Give me a compliment!Exquisite Room(inner window)
E Mr. Long You2023-06-29
  • 3.3
  • That's itSuperior Single Room
  • 3.5
  • The sanitation of the room is fairly good, but there is a little less space. The surrounding areas are under construction, and there is no parking space. It's a little inconvenient ~Elegant Twin Room
  • 5.0
  • Recommended by a friend, the front desk has a good attitude, and arranged a newly decorated room for me, very good! recommendSuperior Single Room
  • 4.8
  • Except that the room is a little small and the wireless network is not easy to use, everything else is very good! No matter which scenic spot you go, it's very close! The door is the bus stop!Elegant Twin Room
  • 3.0
  • The environment is generally hygienic and the equipment is old. There is no headlamp in the room, only a weak desk lamp. It is very gray and not suitable for the elderly and people who like bright!Business Room
  • 5.0
  • Very comfortable. I'll stay here next time I come to Xiamen!Superior Single Room
  • 3.3
  • The location of the hotel is not bad, but the subway is being repaired at the door... The hotel equipment is old, people often harass at midnight, and the service reception is not friendlyBusiness Room
  • 3.3
  • The parking is convenient, the road is under construction at the door, and the hotel is relatively old.Business Room
  • 4.0
  • The price is reasonable, the service is also very good, the environment is also goodExquisite Room(inner window)
  • 4.0
  • Generally speaking, the sound insulation effect is not very good.Business Room
  • 3.3
  • The hotel is ordinary, the TV is still old, and the water heater is also ordinary. It's quiet. But the network can't work, and the equipment is poor.Business Room
  • 3.0
  • The facilities are a little oldBusiness Room
  • 3.0
  • The hotel is average. It's just close to home. It's convenient for guests to comeBusiness Room
  • 4.0
  • Very comfortable, recommendedElegant Twin Room
  • 3.3
  • The sound insulation is too poor. I can hear the sound of swiping the door card next door.Exquisite Room(inner window)
  • 5.0
  • It's very convenient. It arrived a little early in the morning, and then the staff let us check in at 5 o'clock. We thought we had to wait until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Thank you very much. At the beginning, the standard room was changed to the luxury big bed room because there was no broadband and WiFi. The standard room was very large. The two beds were super cool. The big bed room was a little small. I don't know whether it was our room or what. There was only one person in the middle between the bed and the wall, but it was still very warm. The service was very good, the cleaning was very prompt, the luggage could be stored without any deposit. The transportation is very convenient. Turn right and walk about 500 meters. There is a stop sign and a place to eat. There is a family photo, which is open 24 hours. It is very affordable. There are direct buses everywhere. There are breakfast coupons for check-in, but we are very lazy and haven't eaten once. Alas, ha ha. In short, I'm really satisfied.Superior Single Room
  • 4.5
  • It's OK. The room is very small. There's a problem with the air conditionerSuperior Single Room
  • 5.0
  • The facilities are quite new and the surrounding environment is convenient. It is preferred to stay in the hotel at the bus stop as soon as you go out.Elegant Twin Room